Diversity & Inclusion Chat Group

Thursday, March 25, 2021 (12pm - 12:45pm US/Eastern)
Zoom Chat

Please join us for an informal discussion exploring how to enhance diversity and inclusion in our industry and the association. The WBC Diversity Task Force has developed the following overall goals to help establish a pathway to success:

- Promote and increase diversity in the industry that WBC represents.
- Promote and increase diversity of membership and participation in WBC.
- Promote and support the diversity of WBC committees, leadership and board.

We are seeking additional member input and ideas as the task force continues to identify ways to champion diversity and inclusion. Thank you for your consideration and ongoing support of the Washington Building Congress.

Registration Includes:



For more information please contact:

Rita F. Reis
Associate Director
Washington Building Congress
Phone: (202) 293-5922
Email: reis@wbcnet.org