For the past 86 years, the Washington Building Congress has served as a resource to the metropolitan Washington building industry, not only by providing valuable networking opportunities for its members, but by actively shaping the direction of the industry and the city through time.
Even before the WBC was formally established in 1937, our industry’s leaders understood the need and value of such an organization: one that would emphasize a cooperative effort to solve common problems encountered by the industry as a whole.
The association’s founders felt that the better an individual knew the people from the other sections of the industry, the more likely he or she would be to understand their problems and appreciate the necessity of trying to find mutually satisfactory solutions.
After several years of investigation and discussions by members of the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the Associated General Contractors of America and the Producers’ Council, the WBC was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia on September 23, 1937.
Arthur Heaton, Theodore Irving Coe and J. R. Skinner, WBC’s chairman of the board, president and first vice president, respectively signed the association’s articles of incorporation.