David Osei

How long has your company been a member of WBC? 4 years
Describe WBC in 3 words: Camaraderie, Passion & Opportunity
What company do you work with and what’s your role there? Redbrick LMD – Construction Manager
What is your favorite event and why? My favorite event is the Christmas party because it is incredibly festive. There is lots of delicious food, laughter, and celebration. I get the privilege and honor to spend time with industry friends before the holidays, catch up on exciting projects and make tons of new friends.
What advice would you give to a new member? Don’t hesitate to put yourself out there. There will be ups and downs, but the key is to remain consistent and understand that luck is a formula consisting of preparation meeting opportunity.
What prior committees have you served on? I have been keeping busy over the last several years serving as the vice chair and chair for the Hammerheads Committee. I’ve also served as the chair for the DE+I Task force.
What was your biggest accomplishment serving on the board thus far? It has been my pleasure to create value for individuals attending Hammerheads or Task Force events. My biggest accomplishment serving the board thus far has been working with the smart and successful members of WBC to further expand on WBC’s already diverse and well-respected committees. It brings me joy to collaborate with talented and passionate members, who all deeply care about the industry and community we live and work within.
Share one fun fact that members might not know about you: When I was 14, I was fortunate enough to travel to D.C for a chess tournament / service trip. When I arrived, I fell in love with this city and vowed I would return and live in the D.C metro area. Fast forward 8 years, I got my first job here and I’ve been living and working here ever since. I chose D.C because of the strong connection I had with the city as a youth and will forever cherish all my memories I’ve made in this area.
Favorite educational event you attended and why: WBC craftmanship judging / awards ceremony. As a student of the school of construction, I get to learn so much from the builders, architects, engineers, subcontractors and developers that make it happen. I learn about spectacular projects that employs some of the greatest craftsmen in the U.S and I always take away something I can utilize on my projects or lessons learned that further my growth.
Describe your golf skills: Used to be “In Development” and is now “Under Construction” with no substantial completion date in sight.
Favorite Activity Outside of Work: I enjoy anything outdoors
Favorite Place to Travel: San Diego (La Jolla)
Favorite Restaurant: Quarterdeck in Arlington, VA. They have delicious crab cakes.
Favorite Tool: Tape Measure Favorite trade Furnishings because it brings the interior spaces to life.
Describe your family, animals included: I have been blessed with three brothers, which means thanksgiving dinners sometimes ends with an athletic competition for bragging rights or a game of monopoly that goes on for way too long.
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